Lilongwe, Malawi – The International Trade Centre (ITC) collaborated with the Malawi Cross Border Traders’ Association (CBTA) to deliver a three-day consultative and capacity building workshop at the Bridgeview Hotel from 19 to 21 May 2021 in Lilongwe.

The purpose of the workshop was to facilitate consultation with the members of the leadership of the Malawi CBTA in the review process of the association’s Constitution, the development of a new strategic plan as well as to acquaint the CBTA leadership with good practices in association management. The workshop was attended by 35 representatives from the headquarters of the CBTA and branch offices.

The delivery of a revised constitution and a new strategic plan is expected to enhance the management and governance capacities of the Malawi CBTA. With the inclusion of the outcomes of the workshop, these two instruments will be completed in the coming few weeks for validation and operationalisation.

The workshop was also instrumental in familiarizing participants to good practices in association management. This is intended to help the members of the leadership of the CBTA acquire lessons in key practices and implement them by incorporating in the new strategic plan.