The COMESA Secretariat is inviting consulting firms to submit Expressions of Interest for the following contract: “Contract to develop and implement a Regional voluntary building scheme based on the Global Markets Programme of the Global Food Safety Initiative”.

More details on the scope of the contract are provided in the Prequalification Document which can be downloaded, free of charge, from the following link:

Prequalification Document- Global Markets

SPN – Global Markets

The procurement method used for this contract is Restricted Tendering as defined in the COMESA Secretariat Procurement Rules and procedures,available at the following website:

The INVITATION TO PREQUALIFICATION is open to all firms which satisfy the eligibility and qualification requirements stated in the Prequalification Document.

The date and time of submission of the Expressions of Interests at the address indicated in the Prequalification Document is 10TH SEPTEMBER AT 16:00 HOURS LOCAL TIME. Applications received after this time and date or submitted otherwise than indicated in the Prequalification Document shall not be considered.

All notifications concerning this procurement process, including modification of the Prequalification Document, results of the evaluation or cancellation notices, will be published on the COMESA website:

Interested consulting firms may seek clarification or/and additional information concerning this contract, only in writing and by latest 24TH AUGUST 2021 at 16:00 Hours, from the following contact points:

Head of Unit – Procurement, COMESA Secretariat
Ben Bella Road
City:  Lusaka
Country: Zambia
Web site:

Description of the assignment:

Short descriptions of the assignments including more details on the scope of the contract are provided in the Prequalification Document – which can be downloaded, free of charge, from the following website: 

The COMESA Secretariat herewith invites companies/firms to submit Applications for prequalification for the following contract: CONTRACT TO DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT A REGIONAL VOLUNTARY CAPACITY BUILDING SCHEME BASED ON THE GLOBAL MARKETS PROGRAMME (GMaP) OF THE GLOBAL FOOD SAFETY INITIATIVE (GFSI) Number: CS/PROC/EDF/8.3/10/2021/25TPL which will include the following key experts (KE):

KE1: Team Leader

KE2: Regional Experts x4

For more information: click here