COMESA Secretariat signs a Sub-delegation Agreement with Ethiopia to Upgrade Moyale and Galafi Border Posts

 The COMESA Secretariat and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia have signed a 5.6 million Euro sub-delegation agreement, financed under the European Union – COMESA Trade Facilitation Programme. The funds are earmarked to improve coordinated border management; trade and transport facilitation at the Moyale border post to Kenya and the Galafi border posts to Djibouti. The State Minister of Trade and Industry of Ethiopia, H.E. Ambassador Mesganu Arga, and COMESA Secretary General, Ms. Chileshe Kapwepwe separately signed the sub-delegation agreement.

The project will assist Ethiopia to upgrade the single window service system, to increase inter- agency connectivity and to improve the connectivity of the two customs systems. In addition, the EU will finance the construction of the main building of the One Stop Border Post (OSBP) at the Ethiopian Galafi border post. Other components of the project include capacity building, training of the agencies’ staff present at the borders and holding of sensitization workshops.

Appreciating the European Union for the support rendered, the State Minister declared, “The support is timely as the Ethiopian government desires to build on the current trade facilitation effort that will enhance the efficiency and ultimately reduce the cost of doing business as Ethiopia grapples with the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic”. The State Minister also thanked the COMESA Secretary General and her staff for the technical support rendered during the development of Ethiopia’s project.

Commenting after signing the agreement, Secretary General Kapwepwe explained that the modalities of implementation of the sub-delegated activities envisage the Ethiopian government taking ownership and lead in the implementation of the activities. “We foresee increased collection of revenue through increased trade flows” the SG projected. She added that COMESA is committed to ensure that all borders are assisted to become more efficient and operate smoothly as a way to deepen trade which will lead to enhanced regional integration.

The Ethiopian government will proceed with the implementation of the sub-delegation agreement, which includes contracts, supplies and services, while COMESA will provide technical guidance. This is to ensure that implementation takes place in line with European Union procurement procedures, stipulated under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF).

The funds will also support capacity building for stakeholders on improved border operations and the implementation of a border information awareness campaign on customs cooperation and trade facilitation instruments. The measures will lead to less bureaucracy, as traders will only have to submit their documentation once, and shorter clearance times will reduce the overall cost and time of transport. Likewise, non-tariff barriers, corruption and harassment along the two-border post are expected to reduce, while we may notice an increase in revenue collection through increased trade flows.

H.E. Jacek Jankowski, Ambassador of the European Union to Zambia and Special Representative to COMESA, took the opportunity to acknowledge that “This is a critical step towards seamless trade along corridors and at the Moyale and Galafi border posts. The sub-delegation agreement comes timely to boost trade flows within the Horn of Africa.

The Ambassador of the European Union to Ethiopia, Mr. Johan Borgstam added”Ethiopia, as a landlocked country, understands like no other, the importance of regional integration and trade. In line with Ethiopia’s homegrown economic reform agenda, the EU therefore supports Ethiopia and its neighboring countries in strengthened coordinated border management, with the aim to enhance import and export efficiency and reduce costs to enhance its competitiveness.”


Ms. Mshuka Kamwela
EDF Programme Manager, COMESA Secretariat

Mr. Joseph Silavwe
Project Manager, EU Delegation

Ms. Christiane Haziyo
Programme Officer, EU Delegation

Mwangi Gakunga
Head – Corporate Communications
COMESA Secretariat
Phone number: +260 971873343

Namambo DELOT
Press & Information Officer
Delegation of the European Union to Zambia and COMESA

Phone number: +260 977 774603.